Kellerberg cloudy
Vayder malberg
Rudi Pichler
Grahams window
Pinhao view
Rioja red
Niepoort barrels

Napa Valley & Sonoma 2012

Napa Valley & Sebastopol (Sonoma) May 23-28, 2012      During our recent trip to Napa Valley (and one day in Sonoma), we met with some of the best producers of fine wine in Sonoma and the Napa Valley. We met with... (more...)

Wine Spectator’s Critic’s Choice Grand Tasting 2011 “30th Anniversary” Marriott Marquis, Times Square, New York October 21, 2011 When the New York Wine Experience arrives each fall season, I try to go to the Grand Tasting... (more...)

2006 Vina Cobos Malbec, Bramare $35-40 Lujan de Cuyo Argentina, Mendoza, Lujan de Cuyo Yet another reason why I love Vina Cobos‘ Malbec wines! In fact, I feel the same way about most of their other wines too. We had the 2007 Felino Chardonnay... (more...)

Tasting Wines with Paul Hobbs For years I have written and talked to you all about the incredible wines made by Paul Hobbs. Last night I had the chance to meet him and taste wines with him at an event hosted by theMorrell wine shop in Manhattan. We... (more...)

Vina Cobos 2005 Bramare “Lujan de Cuyo” Malbec, Argentina – $30-40 Vina Cobos is a winery in the heart of the famed Mendoza in western Argentina near the Chilean border and nestled in the foothills of the Andes mountain range. Vina Cobos... (more...)

Paul Hobbs and his Single Vineyard Wines For my latest blog posting I have chosen Paul Hobbs as my subject matter. Paul Hobbs has been making wine for over 25 years in California and Argentina. He is praised by critics, professionals, and wine geeks... (more...)